Sara's reading log

I am a book hoarder and reader. My main genre is SF, but I also love magic realism, fantasy and general fiction. Favorite authors are Iain M. Banks, Ursula K. LeGuin, Haruki Murakami, José Saramago, Isaac Asimov, Ben Aaronovitch and more. My rating system is based on five stars. I rate books based on my expectations and what a books aims to be. This means that the brilliant 'Fahrenheit 451' gets five stars because I thought it would be good, people said it was good, and it was good, but 'A Closed and Common Orbit' also gets five stars because in its series, in its style, I really enjoyed it and was not disappointed.

En ook weemoedigheid by J. J. Voskuil

  • Started on: 2011-05-10
  • Finished on: 2011-05-13
  • Read in: Dutch
  • Rating: ****-
  • Genre(s): General Fiction

This is the fifth part in the Bureau series about Voskuil’s working life as department head of a research agency doing research into material culture. It’s a direct continuation of the previous four books, in the same style. The Bureau is under threat of financial cutbacks, and bureaucracy is invading the work place. Meanwhile Maarten realizes more and more that there is a big distance between him and his staff. Also, slowly around him everyone he worked with for so long is getting old, retiring, getting sick etc.
I enjoyed this book as much as the others, recognizing some patterns of behavior in the people I work with. But the book is also a bit depressing, the feelings of being useless and powerless that Maarten has. Two more books to go before Maarten retires himself.

  • Started on: 2011-05-10
  • Finished on: 2011-05-13
  • Read in: Dutch
  • Rating: ****-
  • Genre(s): General Fiction

This is the fifth part in the Bureau series about Voskuil’s working life as department head of a research agency doing research into material culture. It’s a direct continuation of the previous four books, in the same style. The Bureau is under threat of financial cutbacks, and bureaucracy is invading the work place. Meanwhile Maarten realizes more and more that there is a big distance between him and his staff. Also, slowly around him everyone he worked with for so long is getting old, retiring, getting sick etc.
I enjoyed this book as much as the others, recognizing some patterns of behavior in the people I work with. But the book is also a bit depressing, the feelings of being useless and powerless that Maarten has. Two more books to go before Maarten retires himself.